Sunday, 6 December 2015


Welcome! Here are a bunch of portraits of friends and fellow students, all painted with oil on board over the last five or six months.

Hope you enjoy them.

Eddy (after Edouard)
My homage to Edouard Manet and portrait of my good mate Eddy, based on Manet's portrait of his friend Zola.

Mid-afternoon Chicken-wing Manoeuvre
My good friend Adam sometimes demonstrates his new jujitsu moves on me and I thought this would make for an amusing portrait of two old friends goofing around.

Tim "Woodzy" Woods
What can I say.. Tim plays for the Rockdogs on occasion so I took the opportunity to take a nostalgic trip to the footy card collecting days of my childhood. I still need to get his autograph.

I made this gigantic piece of gum to go with it (Gum used to come with footy cards. Does it still?)

The following are a bunch of quicker and sketchier paintings I did after tiring of the more detailed style of the above works.

                                              Adam with Smartphone





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